Hi, my name's Luke.

Welcome to my portfolio . . .

About Me

I'm a computer science graduate and freelance developer from Vancouver, BC, who is currently pursuing both freelance web development projects as well as other development opportunities including mobile and software development.

I have experience with a number of different languages and frameworks for both front-end and back-end web development as well as experience programming in strictly typed languages like c++, Java and Go.

I love what I do, and I am working every day to learn new languages and techniques whether that means taking courses, thinking up new pet projects to practice new skills, researching or watching tutorials.

My Projects

Check out what's been keeping me busy lately

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Cariboo Roofing

A simple, responsive, bootstrap 3 site built for a small business in British Columbia. Due for an update, but still working perfectly after 2 years for a cool 30 cents a month

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Nass Valley Wild Medicine

An e-commerce solution for a herbal medicine company implemented through the Shopify Platform and now staged for a custom e-commerce solution.

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Event Calendar X

An embedded Shopify event scheduling app built with React.js, HTML5, CSS3 and Go. Try a bare-bones demo below (in progress - roughly approximates actual app).

Photo by Fernando Arcos from Pexels
React Login Exercise

This login page was built simply as an exercise in using React.js. There is no backend to handle actually logging in, but entering 'user' and 'pass' simulates a successful login.

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My Online Portfolio

This is the page your looking at right now. Originally built completely by hand, this site has been recently rebuilt with Bootstrap 4 as a UI framework exercise.

Photo by Fernando Arcos from Pexels
Snappy Transcripts

A web app that allows quick and easy access to the Google Speech API. The backend for this app is now complete with the front-end about to enter development.

Find Me

check me out around the net or get in touch